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Who Gets Our Produce?

We value our hunger-relief partners who help connect the fresh produce we work so hard to rescue to the mouths of those who need it most.



4Cs - Windsor & Cloverdale

350 Sonoma

ABC Start

Acts of Kindness

Adele Harrison Middle School in Sonoma

Alexander Valley School

Alliance Medical Center

Boys & Girls Club - Santa Rosa, Windsor, Healdsburg & Geyserville

Burbank Housing (30+ locations in Healdsburg, Petaluma, Santa Rosa, Sebastopol, Sonoma & Windsor

Calistoga Food Pantry

CASTLE Child Care Programs

Canyon Run Apartments

Catholic Charities & Sam Jones Hall

Ceres Community Project

Cloverdale Food Pantry

Cloverdale Senior Center

Cloverdale Family Apartments

Comida Para Todos

Corazon Healdsburg

COTS in Petaluma

Council on Aging


El Molino Culinary

ELIM Church Food Pantry in Petaluma

Elisha’s Pantry

Fetters/Celestina Apartments in Sonoma

Fircrest Mobile Home Park

FISH Food Pantry

Fire Foundry

Fitch Mountain After-School Care

Food for Thought

Geyserville Food Pantry

Graton Day Labor Center

Graton Rancheria Tribe

Healdsburg Day Labor Center

Healdsburg Elementary School

Healdsburg Food Pantry

Healdsburg High School Culinary

Healdsburg Senior Center

Healthy Apple Day Care

Hollyhock Housing

Horizon Shine

La Familia Sana

La Luz, Boyes Hot Springs

Laguna High School

Landpaths - Bayer Farm

Lideres Campesinas

Lombardi Santa Rosa Health Clinic

Morris St RV Community -Sebastopol

Neighborhood Garden Initiative

Nuestra Comunidad

Operation Christmas Tree

Oak Grove Apartments

Ortiz Plaza

Radical Family Farm

Redwood Empire Food Bank

Redwood Gospel Mission

Roberts Lake Encampment

Rosenburg Apartments

Saint Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Monte Rio

Saint Paul's Episcopal Church

Saint Vincent de Paul

Salvation Army

SCBF Food Drive

SAVS - Sonoma Applies Village Services

Sebastopol Food Pantry

Sebastopol Interchurch Food Pantry

Sebastopol Grange Produce Exchange

Sonoma County Black Forum Food Distribution

Sonoma Family Meal

Sonoma State University Food Pantry

Sonoma Overnight Support

St Helena Community Pantry

The Living Room

TLC Child Services

Trinity Baptist Church

Una Vida

Vida Nueva

Vista Santa Rosa Health Clinic

West County High School Culinary

Windsor Service Alliance Food Pantry

Windsor Presbyterian Church Food Pantry



Farm-acy Carts

A cart one of our esteemed volunteers (Steve Pogue) built for his daughter’s wedding was the first seed planted that bloomed into our “Farm-acy” Cart displays. We started with tables at medical facilities, but the cart gave it a more respectable food-sharing experience, less cafeteria-like in presentation.

We have carts stationed at the Senior Center in Healdsburg, Healdsburg Hospital and other Alliance Medical Centers. Patients are welcome to take this top-quality market produce home to feed their families. “People are so thankful and gracious when they help themselves to the produce,” says Pogue. We delivered over 1 ton of produce to Alliance in just one season!

It certainly makes a trip to the doctor more “fruitful,” better than a lollipop or a post-visit sticker!!